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Individualized help for Autism / Spec. Needs / Cello / Art

I have raised a son with autism who has made tremendous progress due to my dedication and expertise in ABA and Pivotal Response interventions, speech therapy, occupational therapy, social skills therapy, sensory integration therapy, sign language, and food therapy. My book is living proof of our family's successful journey. I have also raised a daughter with dyslexia, who has made great strides due to my 1-on-1 reading/phonics interventions. I have worked as a special needs advocate for 3 yea...


I am a parent of a child on the autism spectrum with a lot of personal experience as a primary therapist. I have attended many trainings on Aspergers,specifically the implementation of helpful computer applications,using social stories to help with interpersonal relationships, and addressing sensory integration issues. I worked as a special needs advocate for 3 years and am very familiar with the concerns often experienced by families of Aspergers.


My non-verbal son was diagnosed with autism and an IQ of 50 at the age of three. I learned a multitude of autism-related therapies through our early intervention agency. After 3 1/2 years of intense, 1-on-1 interventions (where I was his primary therapist), my son was no longer severe enough to meet the qualifications for autism. My book describes in great detail the strategies and therapies I employed to help my son succeed in life. I desperately want to help kids with autism live up to their fullest potential.

special needs

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)